NonCustodial Wallet
What is the Non-custodial wallet?
Non-custodial wallets are blockchain wallets where users own their private keys. Keys are alphanumeric sequences that represent your wallet. The public key is like your bank account...
How to send NFTs?
To send NFTs, navigate to the NFT section on the wallet home screen. Open an NFT and click on the send button at the bottom of the screen. Note that your NFT may remain visible up t...
How to receive NFT?
Receiving an NFT is the same as receiving any other asset mentioned above. To receive Solana NFTs, you must select Solana NFT in the receive menu. Note that your NFT may not appear ...
How can I send funds to other GlobaliD users?
To send funds to GlobaliD users select the send button, select the asset you want to send, add how much you want to send, choose the recipient from the list or by searching for a na...
How can I send funds outside GlobaliD?
To send funds, select the send button, then select the token you want to send add how much you want to send. Next, select the GlobaliD name as a recipient, enter a wallet address, o...
What happens if you lose the wallet recovery phrase?
If you accidentally lose your recovery phrase, you lose access to your crypto. Your cryptocurrency will remain stored on the blockchain, but you won’t have any way to access it. So ...
What is the wallet recovery phrase?
Recovery phrase enables you to recover your wallet through other non-custodial wallet providers. Note that if you do that and add some tokens that GlobaliD does not support, those t...
Why do you only support Solana and USDC?
We decided to start supporting those two tokens since we believe they have immediate transactional value and massive potential for the future. But of course, we won’t stop here. We ...
How do I receive funds?
Note that you can only receive Solana, USDC tokens, and Solana NFTs in the initial release. You need to select the receive button and the desired asset you want to receive. From her...