Profile Maintenance
Identity Deletion
Part of GlobaliD's commitment to ensuring you control your identity means we allow you to delete your identity at any time. This can be done for any or no reason at all. To delet...
What is GlobaliD?
GlobaliD is your secure digital identity. Verify your IDs and safely sign up for services online. Always be prepared with your most important IDs encrypted on your device and at you...
GlobaliD Key
Your GlobaliD key is a long sequence of randomly generated numbers and letters which are used to secure your GlobaliD. By saving your key somewhere safe, you'll be able to mainta...
Can I change my username?
A user may only have one GlobaliD identity on a given device. If you wish to change your username, you will need to revoke your current username by following the "revoke/ restore" i...
How do I upload/change my profile photo?
On the "Home" page in the GlobaliD app, tap on your picture to open your Profile screen. From there scroll past your credentials to tap "Edit profile". Select an action: Add photo o...
How do I change my about me section?
On the Home page in the GlobaliD app, click on your profile on the top of the page to get to your Profile screen, then "Edit profile". You can update your info there.
How do I chose a username to setup my GlobaliD identity?
Just as every website has a domain name on the Internet, every person and entity can have a username managed by Universal Namespace. Since it will represent you like a domain in the...